The Psychology Centre for Educational Matters

Assessment Services

Psycho-Educational Assessment For:

learning disability

Learning Disability

A Learning Disability is a term that refers to having difficulty within the areas of reading, written language and/or mathematics, despite having average intelligence.

Students may experience such difficulties for many reasons and the goal of a psycho-educational assessment is to identify:

WHY the student is having difficulty and
WHAT strategies may be implemented to support the student

Goal of Assessment

The goal of this assessment is to determine if a client meets the diagnostic criteria for a Learning Disability. One’s cognitive and academic abilities, memory, executive functioning, phonological processing, fine motor and/or attention abilities are assessed in order to determine which specific areas are impacting one’s learning.


It is important to note a specific diagnosis of a Learning Disability may be required by some school boards to access specialized services.
Please check with your school board for details.