The Psychology Centre for Educational Matters

Intervention Services

School Consultation Services

School Consultation Services

Dr. Borthwick is pleased to offer the following services:

Assessment Report Review:

The purpose of this service is to present the findings of a client’s psycho-educational assessment to school staff, in an easy to understand format. Dr. Borthwick focuses on how to support the student’s strengths, implement specific strategies to help remediate areas of need and to discuss, where appropriate, specific accommodations and modifications, which can assist in the development of an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Attendance at School Meetings:

The purpose of this service is to present the findings of a client’s psycho-educational assessment at either a School Support Team meeting and/or at an Identification Placement Review Committee Meeting (IPRC), and where appropriate, participate in a discussion related to supporting student success.

Individual Education Plan (IEP) Consultation and Review:

The purpose of this service is to, based on the results of a psycho-educational assessment, provide professional advice related to identifying specific accommodations and modifications that could be included in an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Professional advice may also be provided related to specific student strengths and needs, identifying appropriate educational programs as well as identifying specific strategies that may be most beneficial for the student.